Quality Time is all about going flyin'. I got up early on a splendid summer day and flew someplace interesting. I enjoyed the sky on the way there and I enjoyed the scenery on a roundabout trip home. I could have slept late or I could have suited up and jumped into some back- yard project; there is always something that needs doing.
I don't fly my airplane enough, but even if I did, there would be no way quantitative way of justifying its keep. I have the airplane because it makes me feel better. Call it a character flaw, an addiction, or a disease but on some mornings the imperatives must stand aside while I take the cure.
On the hilltop north of Hancock New York: the Hancock VOR is in the foreground, and the White Birch Airport is beyond it to the right.
I didn't take a picture of the fog as I was flying over it, but you can see it laying over the hills in the distance, and you can see a shred of it
in the right foreground.
A quiet morning far away from- and well above- the daily grind.